January week 4

I’m a monogamous knitter (well for this week at least!)

Yes that’s right readers… I’ve only knit a single item this week … but it’s been great progress!

Week 4 – 21st to 27th Jan

    Projects cast-on = 0
    Projects finished = 0
    Days knit = 5
    Hours knitting = 23 hours.

No new cast-ons, no finished objects… but I’ve knit 5 out of 7 days and managed some serious hours of progress! We’re approaching the end of the month now and I’m behind target if I want to hit my 31 finished objects by the end of the year…

I’m not worried though, I’ve got a plan…

Introducing the garter ripple squish blanket!

I cast this project on last Sunday and have quickly become addicted with this pattern from Louise Tilbrook!

A simple garter stitch pattern with shaping by increasing and decreasing, this is such a quick knit and I’ve really become addicted to it’s simplicity.

I mentioned last week that friends are having a baby, we met up on the weekend and I was pleased to hear that the new arrival isn’t due until May, (I thought it was April!) so whilst I’ve got more time I’m still ploughing on to get this finished!

I’ve definitely taken a step back this week to consider whether I’ll make more progress knitting one item or multiple items… I’ve always been a knitter with multiple WIPs on the go, telling myself that I needed a different project depending on what I was doing.

I’ve had a sock project, a TV knitting project, an ‘out and about’ project, a really complicated project, you get the picture dear readers…

But by looking at how much progress I’ve made on this blanket in just one week I’m now wondering whether I should focus on one project at a time, and whether this is a better way to help me achieve my goal!

In the back of my mind I keep telling myself that whether I have more than one project on the go at once, at the end of the year I’ve still had the same amount of time to knit and therefore the outcome will be the same… But in reality perhaps motivation is linked to finishing projects and therefore focusing on one at a time will mean I finish more quickly and in turn I’m then more motivated to knit more?

What do you all think? Monogamous or multi project? I’d love to know what you think, leave me a comment and tune in next week to find out whether I stuck with the blanket…

4 thoughts on “January week 4

  1. Nice work! I suppose it would make sense for you to plough on with this blanket – I guess you know the pattern pretty much by heart now, so you don’t have to reacquaint yourself with the technical aspects when you pick up the needles. It’s been proven, I believe, that multitasking wasn’t productive after all, as our brain wastes time readjusting when we switch between tasks. So this can probably apply to WIPs too!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Another enjoyable blog and one I can relate to.. Having recently crashed and burned under the weight of numerous wips I decided not to cast on anything new, finish one thing at a time and resolve to use my stash. I was totally overwhelmed by the number of unfinished wips, not helped by the fact that every time I made a mistake, instead of fixing it another new wip would suddenly spring to life. I’m pleased to say, without re-purposing anything, I have now finished several projects, fallen back in love with knitting and enjoying the control I’ve regained. I think for me, one main wip and a mobile one will be the most successful way forward.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. I can totally understand where you’re coming from. I’ve spent another week working on the same project and whilst I’ve found some time to sew up two items I’ve enjoyed not having to worry or choose what project to work on!


  3. I think you need variety, certainly in the level of challenge offered by your projects. Your colour choices will make that blanket a success but you will be able to knit it in your sleep by now. I would have something more tricky on the go as well.

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